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Thoughts on Birthday

Birthday should be one of the special day in a year. Not because of the present you will get, but for me, it's because of the prayer. Birthday is beautiful because of the people who celebrate your birthday come with all those good wishes. Have a long life, be happy, have a joyful birthday. Simple words, but i love it the most. Some people also add on extra beautiful words. Thank you for being born. Thank you for holdin on til now. Or even thank you for being my friend. Thank you for spending your life with me. I can't hold back my tears when i read all those words in my birthday greeting chats or letters. I'm so thankful. Receiving presents and foods on my birthday is indeed make me happy. But, a simple "happy birthday" is really enough. I'm so thankful even with that simple phrase. Birthday is not about gettin all those presents. It's also not about partying all night long in a 5 star hotel. It's about sincere prayer your families, your friends, or ev...
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Who Said Everyone Wants Life?

What's life really? She asks that question several times in front of the mirror. We have to be rich. We have to be happy. We must have a job. We have to get a degree. We have to do this. We have to do that. But who's the one who said that? Who's the one who sets the standard to live? What's life really? Some people do it easily. Some people sacrifice many things just to live. Some people said it's nice to live a life. Some people don't want it. What's life really? She asks that question again and again. No one answer. But, she knows one thing, she doesn't want it.

Basically, We are Alone.

Yap. Basically, we are alone. Most of us were born alone. At least, i was born alone. That's why i often feel like i spent most of my time alone. It's some kind of healing for me. I don't hate people, but sometimes, interacting with others drained my energy more than doing my assignments did. I don't hate people, but still, please let me be in my little bubble, where i feel the most comfortable. Before this covid things, i already love to stay in my room, scrolling down the timeline, reading a lot of books, or laying on my bed. Sometimes, i love to go out and hang out with my friends and family. After this covid happens, it got worse. Interacting with other people really make me tired. I might be go out for a day, chitchat with my friend for a day, but after that, i would definitely stay in my little bubble for a month to recharge my energy. I hate it when someone force me to visit someone house or to interact with other people. If i don't want to, then whyyy?! And ...

The Sparks is Come and Go

Saat kita suka sesuatu atau seseorang sedikit lebih banyak, kita kadang ngerasain kind of sparks of joy di dalam hati, kan? Tapi, sayangnya, kadang-kadang perasaan itu redup, atau bahkan ilang gitu aja. Terus, kalo udah kayak gitu, efeknya jadi males ngejalanin apa yang dulu kita suka, jadi enggak yakin sama diri sendiri, atau mau berenti aja. Dulu, gue enggak tau gimana cara ngembaliinnya. Tapi, sekarang gue tau. Gue enggak tau sih cara ini bakal berhasil buat orang lain juga atau enggak, but at least it works for me . Sparks yang pernah gue rasain selalu balik saat gue ketemu sama orang-orang sebidang yang inspiratif dan passionate abis. Passion mereka tuh kayak sampe dan nyentil gue. Dalam kasus gue, mereka-mereka ini kebanyakan senior, umurnya udah seumuran sama ibu bapak gue, bahkan ada yang lebih tua dari nenek gue. Tapi, mereka masih semangat banget. Gue malu. Cara pikir dan semangatnya mereka tuh selalu nular ke gue. Makanya, setiap kali ada kesempatan buat ketemu dalam seminar...

Start From Baby Steps

I read a very good sentence written on a sticker, "if you want to be happy, you have to wake up with the intention to be happy". So i did. It's been a week since i started that thing. I really hope it can be my new habit because it helps me a lot. If i wake up with positive mind, i can finish the day easily without too much worry. You can try by yourself if you want to feel that too. After doing what the sticker says, i can process everything one by one. I can--slowly--reduce my overthinking habit. I feel a little bit happier. That's ok. Everything start from a little bit anyway. I've been doing good now, fortunately. I will keep doing good for myself and other people around me. I don't want them to keep reading and listening my complaints over and over again. It's nice to spread positivity, right? Then, i also trying to feel enough of myself. I'm trying to stop being greedy in life. I will do whatever it is one by one. I know everyone is struggling in...

That's Just How The World Works

Someday, i think my life is a whole mess. The other day, i think my life is a blessed. Someday, i think myself is not more than just a garbage. The other day, i think myself is amazing af. Someday, i think life is so cruel. No one wants to be my friend. Nothing works well as i expected it to be. Nothing run well in my life. I complained too much about it. I spent time stressing over it. I'm busy doing every single things except my responsibilities. I'm talking too much about how cruel this life to me. But, then, when my mind is clear enough to think, i realized that's just how the world works. It's not life that did dirty to me. Everything that happens in my life is just how the world works. I should not complain too much about how my life goes on. I should learn how to overcome life to survive. Not everything went well so that i can learn from the failure. Not everyone can help me anytime so that i know i have to do most things by myself. I know that i have to do what ...

Cuap-Cuap #2

Komunikasi sama orang lain itu penting. Seenggaknya, kita bisa tau kalo orang lain juga struggling sama kehidupannya. Seenggaknya, kita jadi enggak ngerasa kesusahan sendiri. "Oh, dia juga ngerasain hal yang sama kayak gue." "Ternyata, kehidupan dia juga enggak semudah keliatannya, ya." Semua orang struggling sama kehidupan. Kita paham, kita tau, tapi kalo kita enggak komunikasi, enggak ngobrol, kita enggak akan tau kalo orang-orang itu beneran struggling. Itu bukan cuma kalimat kosong yang enggak ada perwujudannya. Everyone are struggling too. Jadi, ya udah... take it easy. Cukup lakuin yang terbaik. Jangan kebanyakan pikiran. Lakuin yang harus dilakuin. Pikirin yang harus dipikirin. Hidup kamu itu masih panjang. Jangan dipake untuk mikir yang enggak-enggak. Kamu pasti bisa. You will get better. You will get better. You will get better. You did great. You did great. You did great. You will be stronger, step by step, day by day.