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Start From Baby Steps

I read a very good sentence written on a sticker, "if you want to be happy, you have to wake up with the intention to be happy". So i did. It's been a week since i started that thing. I really hope it can be my new habit because it helps me a lot. If i wake up with positive mind, i can finish the day easily without too much worry. You can try by yourself if you want to feel that too.

After doing what the sticker says, i can process everything one by one. I can--slowly--reduce my overthinking habit. I feel a little bit happier. That's ok. Everything start from a little bit anyway.

I've been doing good now, fortunately. I will keep doing good for myself and other people around me. I don't want them to keep reading and listening my complaints over and over again. It's nice to spread positivity, right?

Then, i also trying to feel enough of myself. I'm trying to stop being greedy in life. I will do whatever it is one by one. I know everyone is struggling in their life, so it's normal if i'm struggling in life too.

After all those little steps i take, now i can think clearly. I realize that i don't have to be as rich as anybody else. I don't have to be as success as everyone else. I just have to be like me. To know what i want--and have--to do.

It's just life anyway. You may run to the end of the world. But, in the end, you might still don't know what you're running for. What's your goal? Where's the finish line? Or even, who you race with? In the end, it's nothing.

There will be no finish line if i keep running in my life. One thing that i know, i will run out of breath. Then collapsed. Not sure if i can continue to walk my life again.

So, i choose baby steps. By being happy since i wake up in the morning, stop comparing my life to others, and accept everything i have to do now, in the present. Those little steps keep me sane and help me see life in a better way.

I'm so happy for myself. I'm so proud of me.


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